完整的夾具系統讓您的加工變得簡單:MANDO反張夾具不僅是用於車床,也適用於靜置型加工型態。只需將反張本體鎖上手動式套件[ms dock]或油壓缸套件[hs dock],即可在靜置狀態下反張夾持工件。精度表現穩定且安裝程序簡單。非常耐磨的反張夾固環係由經過硬化處理的鎳鉻合金鋼與橡膠,以HAINBUCH特殊開發技術結合而成。MANDO反張夾具搭配手動式套件安裝簡單,使綜合加工機、量測機台、搖臂鑽床(radial drill presses ) 、平行或角度板夾持( parallel and angle plate clampings ) 與搭配分度頭使用的理想夾具。
Complete machining made easy: You can not only use our MANDO segmented mandrels on the lathe, you can also use them in stationary mode. Simply screw the mandrel onto the ms dock [manually actuated] or hs dock [hydraulically actuated] and you can clamp your workpiece from the inside, stationary mode.
Precise, without vibration and with minimum set-up effort. The extremely wear-resistant segmented clamping bushing of casehardened chromium-nickel-steel with the rubber between the segments, especially developed by HAINBUCH, makes it possible.
The hand-actuated ms dock in conjunction with the stationary MANDO segmented mandrels is ideal for machining centers, measuring machines, radial drill presses, parallel and angle plate clampings or for clamping on dividing heads.
hs dock is an absolute powerhouse that enables hydraulic implementation of MANDO segmented mandrels on machining centers. Media supply can be freely selected. It is actuated either from the side or via a base plate from below. Perfect when automation is involved.
Key advantages